About our membership
Everything Dental's Membership Plans are designed to compete with typical dental insurance. All members receive EXCLUSIVE RATES on all other services, Sedation not
Plan details & pricing
Purchase our dental membership in three easy steps!
- Select a membership for purchase
- Verify email address and create account
- Complete purchase
Basic Maintenance Plan
10% off each additional member
12 consecutive monthly payments of $44.05 each
EXCLUSIVE RATES: Up to 15% off other services
- Doctor Exams (1/year)
- Comprehensive Oral Evaluation (1/year)
- Complete Series of X-Rays (1/year)
- Panoramic X-Ray (1/year)
- Professional Dental Cleanings (2/year)
- Fluoride Treatment - Varnish (2/year)
Purchase this plan
When you click “Purchase this plan”, you will be taken to the Bento member portal to create an account and confirm your payment.
Perio Maintenance Plan
10% off each additional member
12 consecutive monthly payments of $78.38 each
EXCLUSIVE RATES: Up to 15% off other services
- Doctor Exams (1/year)
- Comprehensive Oral Evaluation (1/year)
- Complete Series of X-Rays (1/year)
- Panoramic X-Ray (1/year)
- Fluoride Treatment - Varnish (1/year)
- Periodontal Cleaning (4/year)
Purchase this plan
When you click “Purchase this plan”, you will be taken to the Bento member portal to create an account and confirm your payment.